What is a model organism ?
A model organism is a species studied with the objective of deciphering particular biological processes. The relevance of the choice of the model species is based on the following criteria:
- 1 - The results obtained must be at least partially transferable to other species;
- 2 - It is necessary to have sufficient knowledge of the reproductive cycle of this species in order to obtain a representative panel;
- 3 - This species must present a range of experimental tools to carry out the investigations and answer the biological question raised.

The 3R: Reduce, Refine and Replace rules
Animal welfare is an important concern of research actors, and new regulations to control and limit the use of animal experimentation have emerged in recent years.
The number of animals used for the experiment is determined before the protocol, and should correspond to the strict minimum necessary to validate the study.
This rule aims to improve the living conditions of laboratory animals, as well as to reduce their stress and pain.
If the study allows it, replace in vivo experiments with experiments on tissues or cells grown in vitro.
When in vitro experiments are not possible (for example, to study the impact of a molecule on an entire organism), the substitution of a sensitive organism by a organism known less sensitive to the conditions of experimentation is preferred.
European and French legislation
Based on Directive 2010/63 of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, Decree 2013-118 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes is the reference text in France.
Directive 2010/63 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union defines the regulatory framework for the application of scientific work involving animal experimentation.
Five more decrees have been added regarding:
- Laboratory animals furniture conditions
- The training of personnel in establishments supplying, breeding and using laboratory animals
- The conditions for the approval, layout and operation of these establishments
- Ethical evaluation and permission of projects involving the use of animals in experimental procedures
- Use of drugs on animals used for scientific purposes
French associations on animal welfare in Science

The AFSTAL : The French Association of Laboratory Animal Science and Technology (AFSTAL) brings together people working in all fields related to laboratory animals (zootechnicians, technicians, biologists, breeders…) and aims at answering current questions about animal experimentation. AFSTAL also proposes exchange days (Com’Tech, Com’Vet, Com’Prim) that can be used for the continuous training of personnel handling animals.

The Gircor : Gircor aims at informing the public about the real conditions of the use of animal experimentation in biomedical research work.

OPAL : The Association for Experimental Research and Protection of Laboratory Animals (OPAL) promotes and supports any action in favour of laboratory animals welfare and respect, like the development of alternatives methods of study.